Five tips for choosing a Domain Name - Spiritual Sites
Vibrational Integrity in Your Website
September 8, 2016

Choosing a domain name that fits your business is one of the most important tasks you can do as an online business. There are many things you need to consider when choosing a domain name for your spiritual business. Five tips include:

  1. Is it too long? I started this company with and while it was good for SEO, it was horrible to type and spell. If I couldn’t handle it, my customers certainly couldn’t. I switched to for simplicity. Plus it matched all most social media handles. Which leads to #2
  2. Check for your social media accounts. Is the matching brand name available? For me, I  branded @spiritualsites on every single social media account for consistency. I prefer a domain that matches social media.
  3. Does the domain contain one of your service or location keywords? This is important especially if your business is location based. If I live in San Diego, I might search for “energy workers in San Diego” or “yoga class New York.”
  4. Is the domain available? Be sure to check before you start claiming social media names or writing trademarks and logos.
  5. Is it memorable and easy to say? You don’t want to be hosting an event or giving a speech and stumble over your own domain because it’s a mouthful. is short, sweet, easy to say and to remember.

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