Congrats on joining the challenge!

I'm so excited you are here!!!

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Woohoo!! Get ready to make some awesome connections and get to know some amazing people!! The best way to market your business, especially on a tight budget is pure authentic network marketing. We are going to get your marketing jumpstarted by using these online techniques to connect with more people, more frequently.  

Check your email for a welcome message from [email protected]! I can't wait to help you grow your network! And your net worth!! Use this challenge to push outside your comfort zone and connect with new people in different ways. We will start with some building block techniques to ensure you are setup for success and then we will dive right in!! See you in the inbox!

By the way, if you are not already a member, here's our kickass Facebook Group for Spiritual Entrepreneurs. Come by and hang out with us a while and tell us what you're all about! :) 


Check your email for your welcome message to get started!! Then look for five days of emails for the challenge! 

Don't forget!! One person who COMPLETES the challenge with win one month of business mentoring with Andrea Freygang and her team!! You must complete the challenge to win. One person will be chosen randomly but you must verify that you have completed the challenge to receive the prize. I want to work with and support people who take action. Those who complete the challenge clearly take action and we want to support them! Winner chosen December 15, 2017.

If you can't wait and feel like you need 1 on 1 business mentoring now, please book a free  call here to see if this if customized business mentoring is right for you. Put my 15 years experience to work for your business and let's get you making more money today! Book a complimentary call now!